Sunday, June 26, 2011


Because I'm a G and that's what G's do.

Rhianon rings like a bell through the night and wouldn't you love to love her?
I woild.
I'd love her like I love the concrete of this city.
With the force of the wish I have to sleep in the woods. Gurilla-like, without a tent, and complete control of the weather.
But I'm under 18 and all mt friends are law abiding citizens.
Lack of supervision has yet to be introduced to my life.
Unless you count my complete freedom to roam within the bounds of curfew.
But what's there to do within curfew?
Supervision is in the traffic. The sunlight.
Though the sunlight hasn't been here lately. I've been stuck with the sports bra tan on my shoulders from my last rugby tournament.  It peeled.
It peeled unlike the layers I've been building this past year or so. I've made progress, yes, but I'm also finding I don't know how to handle my sanity or deal with my actions.
Inward actions of course.
Pride was this weekend.
I walked around that corporate, political festival with a "homo" button pinned to my chest but I still can't get the balls to tell me friends, co-workers, family - that I'm gay.
Ga-ga-gah- GAY!
Like a daffodil. Freddie Mercury.
And currentely all I have to show for it is a shit ton of free condoms.
How ironic!
But I can get over it.
Like I can get over everything.
Except for my straight ass mother fucking hair!
Like, seriously. Everyone in the fucking world straightens their curls and I'm the only one stuck with this boring hair.
I see your dreads and I up you my aspirations to get dreads.
You win or course.
But sooooooome day! My hair will achieve greatness!
Just like my dearest Wilson.
She's great.  But also 25.
And she thinks I'm straight.
Its gottta be the hair.
I think I'll continue to wear the "homo" button. Or at least carry it around with me at all times.
Like a swim suit and sharpie.
And hopefully if I get my shit together, my drawings specifically made to wheat paste the greenway.
Well, I'm running low.
Just like two markers did in the course of this letter.
You think I'm craaaaaazy!
But hye, and I expect you to sing this, we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy.
Also, I thought this was better than the typical introduction stuff for thid.
The, you know:
my name is Raquel,
I'm 16 years old.
My favorite color is green.
That way is scewed and unfinished.
This way I can sort of throw you into my life.
Well, I guess that's scewed too.
Ahhemm. Enclosed is a print I made because I'm a ham and I like making art for other people.
Been that way all my life.
All you're life you've never seen a woman taken by the sky. Would you stay if she promised you heaven?
I would.

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